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– danish version below

Begitte’s works revolve around the narratives that surround her; the practical, urgent, the tacit everyday necessities, and the repetitions. The methods are often the printed, serigraphic process, combined with atypical techniques and carefully selected materials. Begitte Lynge Andersen has i.a. exhibited at the censored exhibitions; Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kunsthal Aarhus, Nordkraft, and Tistrup, as well as in the USA, Germany, Japan, and France.

“The pretentious, fantastical concept, where actual life is being suppressed. Exhibitionist materialism and the desire for tomorrow; for newness, for the extraordinary; a breathless panic. Against all this, Begitte L.A. heads a feminine rebellion, bringing everyday objects to prominence. She turns the crude pattern of the dishcloth into a silk design; lets the silent, menial tea towel assume a new identity in its transformation into art. Domestic artefacts are granted the recognition they are otherwise denied, when Begitte, with her potent intuitive grasp of the material’s ability to make us sense and remember, provides us with common life in art. It is a form of thanksgiving to the commonplace: Beauty is found not among kings and queens; it lies within your close and faithful companions. Woolen underpants, sewing patterns, linen – your daily necessities. The tactile motifs call us home, not away. Here, we find the insistence on presence.” By Mira Eriksen

Begitte Lynge Andersen was born in 1969 in Australia and grew up in Northern Jutland, in Thy. Begitte Lynge Andersen holds a degree in Textile Design from the Institute of Unika Art at Kolding Art & Design College. She is also a graduate of the Interaction Multimedia Design department, at the Institute of Visual Communication at Kolding Art & Design College. City College of San Francisco, printmaking, by Frances K. Valesco, San Francisco, CA,USA

Member of BKF, KKArt, KKS and CPS (California Society of Printmaking, Californien, USA)
Contributor to the book “Danish Textile Art 2008-2018” / “Dansk Tekstilkunst 2008-2018”
Teaches screen printing.

@begittelyngeandersen Instagram account

Begittes værker kredser om de fortællinger, der lige netop omgiver hende; det praktiske, presserende, de stiltiende hverdagslige nødvendigheder og gentagelserne. Metoderne er ofte den trykte, serigrafiske process, i kombination med atypiske teknikker og nøje udvalgte materialer. Begitte Lynge Andersen har bl.a. udstillet på de censurerede udstillinger; Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kunsthal Aarhus, Nordkraft og Tistrup, samt i USA, Tyskland, Japan og Frankrig.

“Den prætentiøse, fantastiske idé, hvor livet, som det er, fortrænges. Materialismens ekshibitionisme og begæret efter i morgen, det nye, det ekstraordinære, den stakåndede panik. Op imod dét, leverer Begitte L.A. et feminint oprør: hverdagens objekter gives status, når karkludens grove mønster gøres til silkens dekoration, det tavse tjenende viskestykke får ny identitet i transformationen til kunstværk. Hjemmets artefakter får deres ellers benægtede anerkendelse, når Begitte L.A. med sit stærke instinkt for tekstilernes evne til at få os til at føle og huske, lader hverdagslivet kendes i kunsten. Det kan minde om en taksigelse: Skønheden er ikke hos konger og dronninger, men hos den, der er dig trofast og nær. Uld-underbuksen, snitmønstrene, sengetøjet, hverdagens nødvendigheder. Motiverne og taktiliteten drager os hjem, ikke ud. Her insisteres på tilstedeværelse.” Af Mira Eriksen

Begitte Lynge Andersen er født 1969 i Australien og opvokset i Thy. Hun er uddannet fra linjen for Tekstil Formgivning, institut for Unika, på Designskolen Kolding i 1996, samt linjen for Interaktivt Design, Institut for Visuel Kommunikation samme sted samme sted i 2000. 

Medlem af BKF, KKArt, KKS og  CPS (California Society of Printmaking, Californien, USA)
Optaget i bogen “Dansk Tekstilkunst 2008-2018” – udgivet 17. november 2019
Underviser i serigrafi.

@begittelyngeandersenInstagram konto



“2+2=1” with Beatrice Magalotti, Various Space Gallery, Melbourne, AUS – Oct. 2024

“HavForbundet”  Avernax, Denmark, Aug. 2024

“Den Fynske Forårsudstilling”  SAK, Svendborg, Denmark, 2024

“Klima(af)tryk” Fyns Grafiske Værksted, 2024

“Mono Variations” Arc Gallery San Francisco, CA, USA, 2024

“SELVBINDERGARN” solo, Kirsten Kjærs Museum, Han Herred, Denmark, 2023

“De 5 i Indien“ Udstillingssted for Tekstil, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023

“Calling it Home” Stateless Mind Festival#5, Valby Kulturhus, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023

“Filofionia” BKF Fyn, Filosoffen, Odense, Denmark, 2023

“2+2=1” m. Beatrice Maggalotti, Kunstkollektivet 8B, Denmark, 2023

“Sted r eks” Udstillingssted for Tekstil, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023

“Kærlighedskorrespondancer” / “Love correspondences” Funen Art Academy & HC Andersens House, Denmark 2022

“Elemental Landscapes” Berkeley, CA, USA 2022

“Transparens 2022” Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Denmark 2022

“Væksthus” Skulptur Odense´21, Denmark June 2021 – ….

“MARGUERITRUTEN” Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark April- Sep. 2021

“Påskeudstillingen” / Juried Easter Exhibition  Aarhus Kunsthal, Denmark 2021

“Scannet nutid” Gallery kbh kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark October 2020

“Forårsudstillingen” / Spring Exhibition Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark Feb-March. 2020

“Whimsical resilience” solo exhibition, Gallery Noir, Izu, Shizuoka, Japan Dec. 2019

“Pristine Seasons” solo exhibition, Norden Living, San Francisco, United States, Oct-Nov. 2019

“Transparente Transformations” Davinde Musik & Kunst Festival, Davinde, Denmark, sep. 2019

“Pristine Seasons” solo exhibition, 1906 Market St, San Francisco, United States, June 2019-July 2020

ClimArt Exhibition” Juried, Global Climate Action Summit, The Cannery Galleries, San Francisco, California, USA 2018

“Exhibition 2018” Piedmont Center for the Arts, Oakland, California, USA 201

“POP-UP” Pierce Street, San Francisco 2017

“Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling” / Juried Summer Exhibition Tistrup, Denmark 2015

“Påskeudstillingen” / Juried Easter Exhibition Aarhus Kunsthal, Denmark 2015

“Nordkraftudstillingen” Juried Exhibition “Force of The North”, Aalborg, Denmark 2014

Gallery Dencker&Schneider, Berlin, Germany 2014
Gallery Højkant, Aarhus, Denmark, 2013
Gallery 1+1, Aarhus, Denmark, 2013
Designer Zoo, Aarhus, Denmark, 2013
Gallery Dina Veiling, Odense, Denmark, 2013
Gallery Gathering of the Tribes, Manhattan, New York, USA 2013
Gallery Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, Denmark 2012
Designer Zoo, Copenhagen, Denmark 2011
Maison et Objet, Paris, France 2011
Gallery DADA POST, Berlin, Germany 2011
BYOB, Copenhagen, Denmark 2011
Merkurbank, Odense, Denmark 2008
LYNfabrikken, Aarhus, Denmark 2004

Statens Kunstfond arbejdslegater & produktionslegater, Lizzie & Mogens Staal Fonden, Arne V. Schlechs Fond, Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond, Beckett-fonden
Aarhus Civic Center Scholarship / Aarhus Kommunes Kunstnerlegat
Kolding Civic Center Scholarship / Legat Kolding Kommune

Printmaking by Frances Valesco at City College of San Francisco
Workshop, Tomato, Tokyo, Japan, 2001
Workshop, Virtual reality workshop, Cavi, University of Aarhus, Denmark, with Jean-Baptiste Barriere, David Nahon and Margaret Watson, 2001
MA, Interactive Media, Design School, Denmark 2000
MA, Institute for Uniq Design, Design School, Denmark 1996
Escola de Bellas Artes, Lissabon, Portugal, 1987-88

Danish Art Workshop / Statens Værksteder for Kunst, Nov.-Dec. 2020
Guest Atelier Hollufgaard, Odense, Denmark 2017-2022
Volunteer at Mission Graphica, Mission Cultural Center of the Arts, San Francisco 2017
Artist Community, 25th Street, San Francisco 2016
Guest Atelier Hollufgaard, Odense, Denmark 2013-2015 (www.gah.dk)
Republikken, Copenhagen, 2011-2012 (www.republikken.net)
Lynfabrikken, Aarhus, Denmark, 2004-2006 (www.lynfabrikken.dk)
Artist Community Materielgaarden, Aarhus, Denmark 2000-2006