
Part 1: Graphic works

“GHOSTS – Metamorphosis I – VIII

Folded monoprints, gold on acid-free paper. Imprints from used fruit bags.
71 x 99 cm



“Parking lot I-IIIIX

Handprinted xero lithography on acid-free paper. Gold, black and pink.
25 x 36 cm

“Temporary Village Project  – architectural thoughts”

– from a time in a residency, Spain

Handprinted linocut on acidfree paper
50 x 70 cm

35 x 50 cm

25 x 17,5 cm

12,5 x 17,5 cm



“Temporary Village Project  – architectural thoughts”

Handprinted linocut & chine colléon acidfree paper
50 x 70 cm


“Temporary Village Project  – architectural thoughts”

Handprinted linocut & monotype (ghost prints)on acidfree paper
50 x 70 cm




“GHOSTS” are large monoprints composed on paper. The imprint of plastic consumption. A ghost print is the last print you make in a printing process, most often to clean the printing plate; thus not the print being exhibited, but the serving practical print with another function. The “GHOSTS” collection is made entirely of ghost prints. In many layers and repeatedly. Hereby they appear ethereal, sensitive and landscape-like while having references to our abundance of plastic; immortal plastic landscapes and to the globe itself.

84 x 60 cm



“GHOSTS plants”

Monotype print and silkscreen
50 x 70 cm


“Unboxed – misfit”

– from a time after lockdown

Collagraph print on acidfree paper
32 x 32 cm

Unboxed – misfit I-IX Blinded

Handprinted linocut & chine colléon acid-free paper
32 x 32 cm



“Homeland I-V prolonged”

– from a time in lockdown

Collagraph print on acidfree paper
35 x 25 cm



“Embrace Your Fog”

– from my time in foggy San Francisco, images from SoMa

Silkscreen & monotype print
60 x 85 cm

– detail

str.? cm


str.? cm


Part 2: Serial works


“HOMELAND I-VI Golden edition” 

2021 – Exhibited at Aarhus Kunsthal, Easter Exhibition/ Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling
H: 1,30 x W: 1,40 m. Silkscreen, golden ink on silk. Silk and flat, waving in a 1,25 cm. distance from the wall, looks real. Images are printed 1:1. As if still thrown over the door, door handle, oven door, broom …




2015 – Exhibited at Aarhus Kunsthal, Easter Exhibition/ Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling
H: 3,66 x W:0,92 m. Silkscreen, silver ink on silk. Silk and flat, waving in a 1,25 cm. distance from the wall, looks real – wrinkles/holes are printed too.

– detail


“GHOSTS – blue edition”

“GHOSTS” are large monoprints composed on paper. The imprint of plastic consumption. A ghost print is the last print you make in a printing process, most often to clean the printing plate; thus not the print being exhibited, but the serving practical print with another function. The “GHOSTS” collection is made entirely of ghost prints. In many layers and repeatedly. Hereby they appear ethereal, sensitive and landscape-like while having references to our abundance of plastic; immortal plastic landscapes and to the globe itself.

Monoprintson acidfree paper
50 x 70 cm

Layered ghost prints of used plastic packaging from our household, monotype on acid-free paper. The first printing sheet is in the upper left corner, subsequent sheets are printed with the same packaging, different compositions until the color is almost invisible, almost vanished from the printing object, like in nature …



“GHOSTS cucumber”

70 x 100 cm



“Pristine Seasons”

A selection from the collection, spring, summer, and autumn. Exhibited at Norden Living and KANTINE, San Francisco, 2019 and ongoing. Juices and scents are released during the printing process. Juices add texture to the ink so each print is unique, and makes it a personal portrait of the plant. Ghost prints and first prints.

2019 –
Monotype print
28 x 35 cm




Feltet wool, nylon (yellow neon) on a curtain rod.
H: 1,60 x W: 40 m.



2015 – Exhibited at Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Tistrup, 2015 (Juried Summer Exhibition)
Silkscreen, gold on cotton, silk and wool
Handstitched with traditionel stitches
1,5 x 1,2m



2014 – Exhibited at Exhibited at Nordkraftudstillingen 2014 (Juried Exhibition, “Force of The North”)

Part 1: Goldprint on textile
Bedlinen stitched together
2,2 x 1,6 m

Part 2: Laminated layers of used cutting pattern
2,2 x 1,6 m

Part 3: Patchwork of white domestic textile
2,2 x 1,6 m


“touch, connect, drip, hang, press, splash, tap”

2018 – Kirsten Kjær Art Recidency

Colorprint on acidfree paper.
Printed area A4 21 x 29,7 cm.


– touch